From the course: Strategies for Creating Viral Short Form Content

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Create a call to action

Create a call to action

- Once a viewer reaches the end of your short, don't just let 'em scroll on past. Instead, make a call to action either to promote another one of your videos, to visit your website, to sign up for your email list, or even to just follow you on that platform. The viewers who end up sticking around and watching till the end are the ones who want more from you. Now, the one thing I see a lot of people miss when it comes to the call to action is they don't pin that call to action in the comment section. After a short-form video, it is common for people to go to the comment section, read what people have to say, and leave their own comments. So when you pin your call to action at the top of the comment section, you're getting more visibility for that call to action. And it makes it easy for people to take that next step with you. Also, stick to one call to action. If you ask people to do too many things, they're not going to do…
