From the course: Statistics Foundations 1: The Basics

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- Look at these two small data sets. Both have the same average and median values. So, both have the same middle. Other than that, the data sets are quite different. These data sets are small, so we can quickly view all the data and see the differences, but what happens when the data sets are enormous? How could you measure variability? Well, if we think back to mean and median, we looked at the middle of the data set. So why not look at the edges of the data set? This is what the range does. The range is one of our measures of variability. To find the range, you simply subtract the smallest data point from the largest data point in the data set. So when we look at this data set, our range is 50, but in this data set, our range is 150. Easy enough, so let's put range to work. We can use this data set to explore how mean, median, and range can work together. 15 students took an exam. Here are the mean, median, and range:…
