From the course: SSCP Cert Prep: 5 Cryptography

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Brute-force attacks

Brute-force attacks

- [Instructor] For as long as cybersecurity experts have used encryption to protect sensitive information, attackers have sought to undermine that security and gain unauthorized access to data. Over the centuries, attackers have developed a number of techniques designed to help them crack cryptographic algorithms. Brute-force attacks are the simplest form of attack against a cryptographic system. In a brute-force attack, the attacker simply guesses repeatedly at the encryption key until they stumble upon the correct value for that key and then gain access to the encrypted information. Now, of course guessing isn't easy and brute-force attacks can take a very long time to complete, if they even ever succeed. Brute-force attacks require very little information to wage. The attacker simply needs to have an example of encrypted text. For this reason, brute-force attacks are also called known ciphertext attacks. Earlier in this…
