From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

Getting started with a database in Codespaces - SQL Tutorial

From the course: SQL for Data Analysis

Getting started with a database in Codespaces

- [Instructor] Now that we know how to use Codespaces, let's get you familiar with how to access the database we'll use in this course. Start by opening your Codespace from GitHub. Go to Code, we'll go to Codespaces, and click on Create a new codespace on main. After loading the repository in the Codespace, you'll notice lots of options here on the left hand side of your browser. Let's click on SQL Tools. Under Connections, you should see H+ Sport and this is the database we'll use within this course. You can click on arrows or carets next to H+ Sport to explore the database tables. We'll get into more about how to use this extension as we go along with the course, but feel free to pause the video and look around. Now that we have our database ready, let's get started with learning more about SQL for data analysis.
