From the course: Solution Sales

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Understand impact and effect

Understand impact and effect

From the course: Solution Sales

Understand impact and effect

- Once you've discovered opportunities and issues with your client, you'll be tempted to talk about how you can help them with your products and services and let them know you have the solution to their problems. But let me encourage you, resist the urge. You'll have a better sales cycle if you're able to explore a little further with the client. I'll explain it with a quick example. I do plenty of air travel and you may as well. If so, you've seen the safety briefing done either by a flight attendant or video just prior to takeoff, and most of the time it's ignored, even when they do the briefing with a humorous video. Now imagine if the plane hit a lot of turbulence while in the air, and then you got the safety briefing. I bet most people on board would give their full attention. The power of the second briefing comes from a combination of relevance and significance. On the ground you know it's important, but ignore it…
