From the course: Solution Sales

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Qualify potential and fit

Qualify potential and fit

From the course: Solution Sales

Qualify potential and fit

- It is important to make sure you're talking with the person who makes buying decisions, but you also need to make sure you understand whether an opportunity is truly a good fit, and if it's worth the investment of time and energy to pursue the business. You need to qualify the potential of an opportunity. Some of that qualifying can be done in advance of your interactions with prospects. At least understanding some of the basics like, is there a general need for your product or service? Is this potential client facing the problems your solutions address? Or is something happening in the marketplace that you can help the client to address? A little bit of research goes a long way here. And then there's some things that you'll want to find out through your conversations with a prospective client like, does the opportunity size justify your efforts? Is there anything happening internally at this company that would drive the…
