From the course: Solution Sales

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Peer-level relationships

Peer-level relationships

From the course: Solution Sales

Peer-level relationships

- In solution selling, your relationship with the buyer is the most important thing. But what does a strong relationship look like? For many it's easy to associate relationship building with friendship activities, being collegial, playing golf, going to lunch. And none of that is negative at all. I'm not discouraging that. But in a solution sale, the personal connection or friendship isn't usually enough to make the difference in helping you to earn the client's business. To do that, you need a peer-level relationship based on the value you bring to the table. This kind of relationship allows you to work with your client as a trusted peer. And you can do this, even if on your company org charts, your client far outranks you, like a sales professional calling on a CEO. This isn't about hierarchy. The idea here is that you and your buyer are working together to address their business issues. The client…
