From the course: Solution Sales

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Move forward with joint commitments

Move forward with joint commitments

From the course: Solution Sales

Move forward with joint commitments

- We've got to talk about closing. After all, that's what great salespeople do. They close deals. But that old school sales guidance from a young Alec Baldwin telling a sales team to ABC, always be closing, it's just that, old school. They don't work well with today's more sophisticated buyer who doesn't want anything to do with pressure techniques or sales professionals who push clients to close. Closing should happen very naturally in the sales process. Sometimes you'll formally close an agreement to work together. Other times you'll close on a logical next step. That advances the process. Either way, it should never feel forced. Closing will happen as a matter of course. You'll either want to create progress in the sales process or complete the process with an agreement or a closing of some kind. So when it's time to end any meeting, do this. Summarize the main topics of the meeting. You may highlight the benefits…
