From the course: Solution Sales

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Interactive skills for leading the conversation

Interactive skills for leading the conversation

From the course: Solution Sales

Interactive skills for leading the conversation

- As sellers, we sometimes forget all the interpersonal skills we have in our toolkit, the fundamental communication skills for interacting with other human beings. Even though we use these techniques in daily conversation, we need a reminder of which communication skills are most useful in selling. First is clarifying, often, a client will say something that you don't quite understand. Maybe it's a reference to an internal issue you aren't familiar with, an acronym you aren't aware of, or you just want to make sure you understood correctly. In these situations, slow down and ask for clarification. Clarifying questions keep the conversation on track to narrow in on the client goals and create a mutual understanding. It's always reasonable to pause and say, "When you say the AVRs aren't operating effectively, what's wrong?" Second, you want to confirm understanding. Now, this is different from clarifying understanding…
