From the course: Solution Sales

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How to offer solutions

How to offer solutions

From the course: Solution Sales

How to offer solutions

- Once you've successfully identified a client's needs and objectives, you have a chance to provide them with a solution. And while there are dozens of features, advantages, and benefits that you could share with them about your products to support the solution, there are only a few that will really matter to your client, and that's all they really want to hear about. Think of the client's needs as a filter. You run all of your company information through that filter, and it catches only what's relevant. But when you share the characteristics of your products and how you'll perform services, use only what's relevant to this particular client's needs. Here's how. Start by reviewing the specific needs expressed by your client. And then share only the product or service details that are specific to how you will support those specific needs. It really is that simple, but it's harder than it sounds, because there are so many…
