From the course: Solution Sales

Getting started with solution sales

From the course: Solution Sales

Getting started with solution sales

- I was sitting across from the vice president of sales, trying to get my first sales job, when he said to me, "You know, Scott, "everything in our sales aptitude test is telling me "that you are never going to make it in sales. "It says you won't press for the close, "that you'll focus too much on the client relationship, "and that you won't push for business. "I just can't hire you." And his data was absolutely right, but his conclusion was absolutely wrong. The idea of pressuring someone to buy and closing hard was completely unappealing to me. I wanted to help clients achieve their objectives and solve problems. I was interested in offering clients solutions. Solution selling is built on the assumption that whenever someone buys a product or a service, they make that purchase for a reason. It's not about your products or services. They're trying to improve a condition of some kind. Hi, I'm Scott Edinger. I help leaders drive revenue growth. In this course, we'll talk about developing the solution mindset and how to create peer-level relationships, so that you don't yield all the power to your buyer. We'll also discuss how to identify your clients' real objectives and create value in the sales process. And I'll share with you how to close a deal in a way that's logical, natural, and pressureless. While I was devastated that I didn't get the job, I did get another sales job. And three years later, I was one of my company's top sales professionals, because I adopted the solution selling approach. And that's what I want to share with you. Let's get started.
