From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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The importance of giving and soliciting feedback

The importance of giving and soliciting feedback

From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

The importance of giving and soliciting feedback

- Our next topic can be a little touchy, giving and receiving feedback. I'm curious, what's the culture of feedback where you work? Is it structured or freeform? Can you count on it happening or does it happen randomly? Is feedback given in written form or face-to-face? In my experience, people tend to shy away from both giving and asking for feedback directly, and this can be for all kinds of reasons. If our caregivers growing up didn't ask how we felt about things, or if our workplaces have not had cultures of regular feedback, we might not have any model for what feedback is supposed to look and feel like. But feedback, both positive and negative, is a very powerful way to build self-awareness. It's pretty tough to change something before we know about it, and it's often the case that people don't share their thoughts and feedback until you ask for it. Also, for the record, we all need validation from time to time.…
