From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Take care of yourself for others

Take care of yourself for others

- Every relationship dynamic between two people is co-created by both people. This is a powerful thing to remember because it allows us to take responsibility for our part in things that are going right or wrong and change them if we want things in the relationship to change. For example, have you ever felt annoyed, frustrated, or judgmental towards someone else at work? If you're nodding your head yes right now, you're in good company. All of us feel these things toward our colleagues sometimes, but if there's one thing I know about building self-awareness, it's that we can learn a lot about ourselves from the reactions and feelings we have about other people. Take a second to reflect on some of the things you've felt frustrated about lately. Are there any patterns you can identify across examples? Like do you tend to get frustrated with the same person often, or do problems tend to crop up with people in positions…
