From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Start using remojis, learn each other’s language

Start using remojis, learn each other’s language

From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

Start using remojis, learn each other’s language

- Have you ever sent a message to a colleague that they completely misunderstood? A classic example is sending a message that's supposed to be sarcastic, but the receiver assumes you're being serious. This has definitely happened to me more than a few times. More than ever, a huge amount of our communications at work are happening through text. In cases where we used to speak directly to our colleagues, we now send emails or messages on Slack. The problem is a lot of information, especially emotional information, is lost when we can't see facial expressions or hear tone. To help with this problem, I want to share a tool I call remojis, which is a mashup of the words remote and emojis. Remojis are emojis that you and your colleagues assign to certain emotional communications. For example, the turtle emoji might mean, "I need more time to work on this." The upside-down smiley face emoji might mean, "This message was said…
