From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Move from “me vs. you” to “us vs. the problem”

Move from “me vs. you” to “us vs. the problem”

From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

Move from “me vs. you” to “us vs. the problem”

- Despite all of our best intentions, when faced with a struggle or conflict with another person, we can act defensively out of a desire to protect ourself. Without realizing it, you might be adopting a Me versus You mindset. The problem with this is that it can keep you from collaborating. And when you communicate from this perspective, you're likely to prime others to be defensive too. By taking a moment to shift from a Me versus You mindset to an Us versus The Problem mindset, you'll increase your chances of working through issues and finding solutions. Let's do a pushup to practice this. I want you to think of the last time that you felt locked in opposition to someone at work. For example, I recently felt that my co-founder wanted to make a decision too quickly without considering the possible ramifications enough, and she felt that I was not moving quickly enough. So my mindset was, I'm being thoughtful and you're…
