From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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How to repair after conflict

How to repair after conflict

- Let's practice the repair part of conflict together with an emotional pushup. So step one in this pushup is to think of a small conflict you've had recently. This could be a little tiff that you had with your partner or a disagreement with a boss, or maybe a coworker said something that hurt your feelings recently and you just moved past it. Once you've thought of your example, step two of this pushup is to practice a repair conversation with that person. You don't actually have to reach out to them yet. First, get comfortable with the language you might use. You can use this simple formula, "When you said X, I felt Y." So for example, "When you told me I'm too sensitive, "I felt embarrassed and misunderstood." Then you'll follow it up with your why. Why are you bringing this up? "I wasn't going to say anything, "but our relationship is really important to me "and I realized I'd rather share how I feel now "than let…
