From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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How to receive tough feedback gracefully

How to receive tough feedback gracefully

- So what happens when someone shares difficult or negative feedback? No one wants to hear that they've messed up or let people down, but the way you respond will inform what people share with you in the future. So here's a step-by-step process for taking in negative feedback thoughtfully. Step one is to practice giving yourself space between hearing the feedback and responding. When we respond right away, it's often from a defensive place. So give yourself 10 minutes before saying anything. You can say, "I'd like a few minutes to think about that, and then let's talk about it." Step two is to spend that 10 minutes taking stock of what you're feeling. Do you feel defensive, misunderstood? Maybe it's something you're already working on. Take a few thoughtful breaths to center yourself and to remember that this feedback is about one facet of you, not all of who you are. Step three is to thank the feedback giver…
