From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Foster a safe space for play and connection

Foster a safe space for play and connection

From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

Foster a safe space for play and connection

- Let's talk about the power of play in the workplace. I'm curious, when is the last time you played, really? Take a second to reflect on the role that play has had in your life? Were you encouraged to play growing up? Did you have people in your life who were excited to play with you? Do you feel open and safe being playful at work? Why or why not? When I ask adults when they last played, they usually tell me about a board game or a sports game or a video game, and don't get me wrong, those are great types of play, but play can mean so many things. I personally love the improv definition of play, which is that when someone comes to us with an idea, we don't say, "Yes, but," we don't even just say "Yes." We say "Yes, and." We meet them in their idea, we build on that idea, and together we get somewhere that neither person could have gotten alone. So for example, brainstorming is a type of play, and so is taking a…
