From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Flex your play muscles

Flex your play muscles

- Now that we know how important it is to play at work, I want to share my absolute favorite game. This game is amazing because it can be played with two people or 100 people, and it shows just how deeply our minds are connected. So I especially like to facilitate this game when people are feeling disconnected or are having trouble thinking together. One quick caveat that I like to share is that the game can last 10 seconds or 10 minutes, but if everyone sticks with it, you will win the game together. I have never unsuccessfully completed a round. So this game is called Got It. And here's how it works. Everyone is going to think of a random word or common two word phrase. It can be anything. Something like "Prehistoric" or "Banana," "Thailand, "Brad Pitt," "Hocus Pocus." There are no wrong answers here. When a player has thought of the word or common phrase, they're going to raise their hand and say, "Got it." The…
