From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Create an emotional fitness survey

Create an emotional fitness survey

- Alright, let's practice an emotional pushup that will help you develop more empathy for the people in your life, and will help them have more empathy for you. Have you ever felt really frustrated or annoyed with someone, but then you find out more context or information about their behavior, and suddenly you can understand where they're coming from? The tool we're going to create today is based on this idea, the proven psychological concept, that the more we understand about someone, the better we tend to be at empathizing with them. I call this tool "The emotional fitness survey." The emotional fitness survey empowers people to tell us what they need to do their best work. And it serves as a reference guide throughout the relationship. So here's how it works. You're going to create a simple digital survey that asks questions about what people need from you, leadership and the company, in order to do their best work.…
