From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Conflict to a relationship is like exercise to a muscle

Conflict to a relationship is like exercise to a muscle

From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

Conflict to a relationship is like exercise to a muscle

- Conflict is uncomfortable. Of course it is. And most of us did not have healthy and thoughtful examples of conflict modeled to us growing up. Some people had parents who never fought in front of them even when it was clear that things were off. Some people might've witnessed a ton of conflict growing up, but not a lot of repair. For all kinds of reasons, our relationship to conflict might be complicated. But in any relationship, whether it's romantic or a friendship, with family or at work, I believe that conflict to a relationship is like exercise to a muscle. Exercise creates micro-tears in muscle. When you lift weights, you're actually doing a tiny bit of damage to your muscles. But if after the exercise, you rest the muscle and drink water, eat protein, then the muscle heals stronger than it was before and adapts to better handle the stress of exercise. So over time, not only will you be able to lift more weight…
