From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Building self-awareness

Building self-awareness

- The emotional pushup that we're about to do can help you build self-awareness, using a frustration that you have with someone else at work. The premise here is that when you feel judgmental or annoyed or frustrated with another person that there might be one of three things happening. And we call those three things join, jealous, and jump. Join means that we identify with this trait, that this thing we don't like in the other person is something that we recognize in ourself. Maybe something we don't really like about ourself. Jealous means we might feel some envy, that this other person has a resource or ability that we wish we had. And jump means that we've jumped in our mind to a situation from our past, that we associate this behavior we don't like with something that we've been through before. This is all easier to understand with an example. So step one of this pushup is think of something that bothers you about…
