From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

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Boundaried vulnerability

Boundaried vulnerability

- One of the most common questions I get about mental health in the workplace is about how much of our personal lives we should share at work. To answer this question, I'm going to share a concept I call boundaried vulnerability. Boundaried vulnerability describes the act of sharing enough of ourselves that we invite connection with others without sharing so much that we wake up with an emotional hangover or rely on our coworkers to be our therapists. We all tend to be somewhere on a spectrum from too tight to too leaky when it comes to how much we share. Too tight means we're all buttoned up. We don't share vulnerably at all. While too leaky means we share in a way that requires other people to take care of us in ways that they're not responsible for or even able to. And in the middle of this spectrum is boundaried vulnerability. Imagine you have a meeting with your manager and they show up looking flustered and…
