From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics

- If and when I decided to train for a triathlon I want to gauge or measure my performance early on to get the baseline, so I know how much I improve as my training progresses. When I swim, bike or run, I want to know my average times as well as my slowest and fastest times. These are statistics that describe and summarize my performance. Similarly, in Six Sigma projects, descriptive statistics are used to set a baseline and track performance. There are two types of descriptive statistics. Measures of central tendency and measures of spread or dispersion. Let's talk about measures of central tendency first. These measures summarize where the values in a set of data are centered. These include the mean, median and mode. The mean is simply the average. For example, if these are seven delivery times then the mean is the sum of all these values divided by seven. Using this calculation the mean is 22 hours. Sometimes, the…
