From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Correlation and linear regression

Correlation and linear regression

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

Correlation and linear regression

- Have you ever wondered if speed affects stopping distance when you hit the brakes? If it does, then speed is the potential X and Y is the stopping distance. Likewise, in Six Sigma projects, we want to analyze is the potential access impact Y and can the relationship be quantified in an equation? This brings us to correlation and regression. When there is a relationship between two variables, we say there is correlation. The strength of the relationship is quantified by the correlation coefficient or Pearson correlation coefficient. It can range from minus one to plus one. If there is no correlation, the coefficient is zero or close to zero. If one variable increases as the other increases, then there is positive correlation and the maximum possible value is plus one. If one variable decreases as the other increases, then there is negative correlation and the maximum possible negative correlation is minus one. When…
