From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Work with the Quick Links web part

Work with the Quick Links web part - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Work with the Quick Links web part

- [Instructor] We're on the homepage for our Sales site. And we see that we have the Quick Links web part here. By default, the Quick Links web part is applied on every homepage when a new site is created. We're going to take a look at how to work with the Quick Links web part. We're going to start by clicking the Edit button to edit our page, and remember, if you're a site owner or a site member, you should be able to edit these site pages. We go to the Quick Links web part, and we see that we have an Add Links option. That's what we're going to do. We're going to click there, and Recent Items opens up. We can add a link to any of these items. We can add a link to a stock image. We can add a link to something in OneDrive. We can go to the Site section, and this will add links to document libraries in our site. We can upload items like images or documents, or we can create a link from a link. And this is what we're…
