From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Publish a page

Publish a page

- [Instructor] SharePoint pages are like a book. They're published, or they're not published. Published versions of a SharePoint page can be viewed by everybody. Unpublished, simply saved as a draft, pages can only be viewed by the site owner and the site members. We're going to take a look now at how to publish an unpublished page. So let's go to our Pages section. We're going to come down here to Marketing Materials, and if I hover over this little icon here. I want to see if I can get it to come up. There it is. You see that little tool tip that tells me that this page needs publishing. Now, I also get this pop-up, which tells me this page has changes that are not published, and this Publish Now option at the bottom is the same as the Publish button that we would have on the page, but I don't want to do that just yet. What I want to do is come over here, and you see the three ellipses. We're going to click there,…
