From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Edit the header web part

Edit the header web part

- [Instructor] Our new marketing materials site page appears to have two headers. We have the site header at the top, the H plus sports sales. And here we have the marketing materials page header. We're going to look now at how to edit the header web part on this page. We have to start by just opening up the page for editing, and that is here in the upper right-corner. We have the edit button, and we click on it so that we can edit the page. The only web part we have is the header. And we see that we have this little toolbar, and the first icon is edit the web part. We're going to click there and it opens up for editing the header web part of our site page. We see this panel that says title area, and we have layout options. The first one is image and title. That's the default. We have plane, which hides the image. Color block, which is a nice big block of color. And actually, this is very popular, and it…
