From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Edit a page

Edit a page

- [Instructor] We're on the sales team homepage in SharePoint, and we're logged in today as George Chang. Now, George is a site member. He's not the owner, but owners and members can edit a site page, and that's what we're going to do. Our page has the default layout, and web parts that we see when the page was created. To edit a site page, we see the big edit button over here on the right. We're going to click there, and our page opens up for editing. Now, if we come up here to the left, see where it says section? And now that dark black line around the entire section is kind of highlighted. This page has one section. You can have more sections but by default, the homepage has one. Each section is divided into columns. Although, you can't have a section which is just one column, but this particular section has two. We have this left column, which is a little bit wider, and the right column…
