From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Change the site logo

Change the site logo

- [Instructor] We're in our hplus-Sport Sales team site, and you can't help but notice the big pink square over on the left corner. That was put there by default by SharePoint. SharePoint will select a random color and take the letters from the title of the site. And that's what it gave us. We can't change it unless we physically upload a new image. And that's what we're going to do. We're going to come over here to our site settings, and we're going to come down to Change the look. Now because we're the site owner, we have this option. And when we click on Change the look this panel slides open. We don't see anything in here that says site logo, but it's part of the header. So we're going to click there, and we're going to scroll down a bit. And here we see the site logo thumbnail and the site logo. So the site logo, pink square, we're going to change it. We're going to click Change. And it opens up to our File Explorer…
