From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Change the look of the header

Change the look of the header - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Change the look of the header

- [Instructor] We're on the homepage for our hplus Sport Sales, and I want you to pay attention to the header. The header is not the blue bar that runs across the top. It is the space just below it, where we have the name, hplus Sport Sales. This is just plain, white default header. We're going to do a little bit better than that. We're going to go ahead and change the look of our header. And to do that, we're going to come up here to the upper right corner and click on our settings gear. When we get this menu out, we're going to come down to the bottom and choose change the look. Now, we're logged in today as the site owner, Angela Ashton, and as the site owner, she is the only one who has this option, site members do not have the option to change the look. Once we do that, the change the look panel opens up, and we're going to go to the section called header. And the first thing we see is we can change the layout. The…
