From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Apply what you've learned in SharePoint - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Apply what you've learned in SharePoint

- [Bill] Well, that was a lot of fun. We saw how to apply themes and change the site header and logo. We edited the quick launch and changed its location. We also discovered how to create a new site page and saw how we could add sections to it and change their layout. We also talked about the difference between major and minor versions of a page and how to publish them. We finished our journey working with web parts the building blocks of a SharePoint page. We added an image gallery, a stream web part, and explored the News, quick links, and document library web parts, which are part of every SharePoint homepage by default. We even worked with my favorite web part, the Quick chart, but there is much more that you can do with SharePoint. And if you want to continue learning more, you can click on the Guided Learning link on the SharePoint Learning tab. I'm Bill Kulterman, and I hope you enjoyed this course…
