From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Apply a theme

- [Instructor] We are here in SharePoint, and we're on the hplus-Sport Sales team site. It is a private group site, and we are signed in today as Angela Hashton. And Angela, let's look at the members list, we see is the one and only owner of this site. Everybody else is simply a member. And as such, Angela has complete ownership. She has all of the options for customizing this site. This site hasn't been customized at all. It is exactly the way it was when it was created. You see, the navigation is your basic out-of-the-box navigation. The web parts that we see are all the original web parts that come with a standard team site. We do see some activity in the activity web part because people have been uploading things, but there's no customization. Nothing has changed about this site. Now, we're going to take a look at changing the theme of this site. And Angela, the site owner, is the only one who has permissions to change the theme. Let's take a look. We're going to come up here and click on the settings gear. When we open that up, we have a list of all of the settings that Angela has access to, and this bottom one here, change the look, she's the only one that has this setting. We're going to click there, and you see she has the options to change the theme, the header, and the navigation. Let's go ahead and let's click on theme because remember that's why we're here. We see the theme that has been applied, the current selection. Now, SharePoint, when you create a site, applies the theme at random. It picks one; it could have picked any of these and applied the theme to this site. And we see the theme color. This is sort of a blue theme. This is the main color here. And we see that here on this Add News button. And we also see it, Page details, Analytics, you see the little icons, those have that color applied. Even text, like this See all option, is blue. That's the main color. Now, if we want to change the theme, we simply have to pick one of these themes. So let's go ahead and let's pick this red one, and immediately, you notice that the Add News button has changed, and all of this text, and all of these little icons have also changed. Let's save this and take another look. You can see little bits and pieces of that red theme now throughout the site, but it's not a big drastic change to the color scheme of this site, is it? Let's not get excited. These SharePoint default themes are pretty basic. If you really want to do a lot with customization of themes, you need to start coding, but that's not why we are here. We are only going to use the tools that are given to us by SharePoint. Let's go ahead and let's take a look though. There's some more themes down here. Now notice, this dark color, these are dark themes, the dark yellow and the dark blue. They're going to apply this black as the background. Let's select the dark yellow theme. See that, that's pretty drastic. That's a big change. You can really see that yellow pops on the black background. So that is a pretty exciting theme if you want to go ahead and use that, but for our purposes, we're going to change back to a simple, basic, I'm going to go with the teal theme, and I want to show you one more thing. Once we have a theme selected, you'll see that we have a button here to customize. Now don't get excited. It's not a big deal. The only thing we can change is the main color, which we've already changed just by selecting a different theme or the accent color, but I'm here to tell you, you're going to be hard pressed to find an example of where that accent color is. If I'm honest, I don't believe I've ever found a place, at least not that I can remember, where that accent color appears. Now you may see the logo up here as well, and you may be wondering why hasn't that changed? Again, the logo is not part of the theme. SharePoint randomly assigns this logo color, this little square block of color, when the site is created, and you can't change it. You can change the logo, but you can't change this color. So now, you know a little bit more about changing the theme in SharePoint.
