From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Add the Quick Chart web part

Add the Quick Chart web part - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Add the Quick Chart web part

- [Presenter] SharePoint is great at handling data. And one of the best ways to display data is to use a chart. Fortunately for us, SharePoint has the quick chart web part which we are going to add to our homepage here. Let's come over to the right and we're going to click on the edit button. This will open our page for editing. And we're logged in as Angela. Angela is the site owner. Site members also have permissions to add web parts. We're going to scroll down here to the bottom of our page. We have this blank section, it's a one column section. And we're going to hover over the big plus sign. You'll see that it tell us to add a new web part in column one. We're going to click on that. To get out our list of web parts and we're going to scroll through. Until we find the quick chart web part. We'll click there. And it puts it in here for us. We come over to the left edge and we see we have the edit web part option…
