From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Add the Group calendar web part

Add the Group calendar web part - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Add the Group calendar web part

- [Instructor] One of the really nice features of SharePoint is that when a group site is created, it also creates a group calendar in Outlook. And we also have a group calendar web part that we can add to our page, and that's what we're going to do is add the group calendar web part to our H+ Sport Sales homepage. And to do that, we have to come over here and click the Edit button. Now, once our page is open for editing, and remember, you can do that as either a site owner or a member. And we're going to hover up here at the top of this section. We get the little plus sign that says add a new web part in column one. We're going to click there, and we're going to scroll through and find our group calendar. There it is. We're going to click there, and there is the group calendar. And you see it has already got three meetings coming up. These are our weekly sales meetings, every Monday morning, by the looks of it. And…
