From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Add an Image Gallery web part

Add an Image Gallery web part - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Add an Image Gallery web part

- [Instructor] Our marketing materials page has a section for a slideshow. We talk about the slideshow here, but we see no slideshow. Let's go ahead and let's add the image gallery web part. We're going to click on the edit button to open our page up for editing, and site owners and site members can do this. We'll come down to the slideshow section, and we see we have this plus sign, and it says add a new web part in column one. We're going to click on that button, and we're going to scroll down, and find the image gallery. We're going to click on that web part, and the image gallery panel opens up here on the right. And if we scroll up, we see the options to add images. Now on our panel here, we see select images or dynamically display images from a document library. We'll look at that in just a minute. What I'm going to do now is click here to add images, and it'll allows me to add recent images. Look…
