From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Add a web part

Add a web part

- [Instructor] Our Marketing Materials page doesn't really have much going on. In fact, it doesn't have anything going on. We need to add a web part and that's what we're going to do in this movie is we are going to add a web part to a site page, but let's go ahead first and talk about web parts, we're going to come back to our homepage and we'll look at The web parts that are here. These are probably the most popular web parts in all of SharePoint. Web parts allow you to add different elements to your SharePoint pages. You really can't do anything in SharePoint without a web part. You see here, we have the News web part and there is a little Add button. This will allow you to add a News post, something of interest, a document, a link, a picture, video, a chart, whatever it is. To this News web part, you can also add News links. If we come over here to the Quick Links section, again, all about links, links to a website,…
