From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

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Add a site page to SharePoint

Add a site page to SharePoint - SharePoint Tutorial

From the course: SharePoint: Site Customization

Add a site page to SharePoint

- [Instructor] Our SharePoint sales team site only has one page, the homepage. Well, if I'm honest, it actually has two pages. I created a test page, which is just a place for me to go and play around with things. But what we're going to do now is show you how to add a new page to our site. And to do that, we're going to go here to the pages link. When we click on that, it takes us to the site pages section and we can see a list of our pages. Here is my test page, which has not been published. You see this little icon here? If I hover over it, it says needs publishing. And what that means is I can see it as a member and the owners can see it. But other people who have access to this site, unless they're a member or owner, are not going to be able to see that test page. This is our homepage. You'll notice there is no icon that says needs publishing here. We want to add a new page and to do that, we have the big new…
