From the course: Sharepoint Online Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Delete or hide a list column

Delete or hide a list column

I can also delete columns either from my view or from my list, and these are two very different things. If I want to get a column out of the view, for example, if I don't want this column to include home phones. I can go to home phone, I can go to column settings, and I can choose to hide the column. That gets it hidden in the view, in other words, out of the view, but it still remains in the list. It's still going to be there. That's an option. Another choice, though, is to say I don't want to track home phones at all. We're not going to collect them and they're not going to be in this view. So let's say that was our intention. In that case, my recommendation is that you go to the settings gear and go to list settings. We were here a moment ago to look at all of the columns that existed. Go to home phone, click on it to open the edit column page. Here, you can do things like change the required setting and the enforced unique value setting. You can also set a character limitation…
