From the course: Sharepoint Online Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

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Choose a navigation layout for a team site

Choose a navigation layout for a team site

Here's how we modify navigation for our team site. Click the gear icon to open settings, return to change the look, click "Navigation", and it appears that we only have a couple of options. Do we want to be able to see the navigation at all? Try turning it off for a second. You have a lot of canvas here, and if all you need to display is one page, you might want to turn off your site navigation. Your other choices are, is it vertical, which is the default, or do we want it to cross the top horizontally? And when I place it horizontally, notice that my quick launch is now moved to the top. Everything is still in the same order. And I have a couple of choices. I have cascading, which is the default, and I have something called a mega menu. And if I try to put a mega menu in a team site, it's actually not well-supported. So we use mega menus, and I'll show them to you later, with hub sites and then secondarily with communication sites. So if you want to have your menu across the top all…
