From the course: Sharepoint Online Essential Training: Beyond the Basics

Add, edit, and manage web parts

If you were to look at an older SharePoint team site, you would find that most of the space on the home page was used to display information from this site's various lists and libraries. An example of that is the documents web part that's showing us some of the documents in a document library, and this would be a good candidate for a view that has new documents in the last seven days, right? Or the last three days, because what would make it more important, more timely would be if a user could, in a glance, see the new documents. But they can get to the document library right here, and we'll talk about why we might want to get rid of this web part in a bit. Having access to listen libraries on the home page of the site is really old school. The modern SharePoint experience is focused far less on site content that's in lists and libraries, and more on the things that are more important to your team. Things like activities and news. At the top, news is the primary focus of a team site, and news is so important in SharePoint that it is rolled up in SharePoint home, news from associated sites is rolled up to a hub, and there's a separate screen for news in the SharePoint mobile app. So one of the habits, if you've been with SharePoint for a while, is to start pushing news more, because that's one of the ways that our thinking about SharePoint has changed. Activity, which is below news, displays things that you've worked with recently. And then on the right, we have our links list that comes standard. This is really a links list intended for a new site owner, so that they can learn about a team site and how to add a page to it. You and I can add more content by adding more web parts to this particular page. So let's do that. Let's open this page for editing, give it a second the first time in particular, and you will then point to where you want the new web part to appear. Note that this adds a new web part in column one. Here we would add one in column two, and if you come all the way to the left and click this plus, you're adding an entire new section which we don't need to do right now, but we could. I'm going to add a new web part in column two, and these are frequently used web parts at the top, lists and Power BI. There is a search box so you can search. We have so many different choices, some of them SharePoint, some of them not SharePoint, advanced web parts, and so on. And I'm going to add a web part for weather. So I just start typing and there's my weather web part. And I click and add it. And at the top, it has add a title. If we don't add anything in there, then we just get a weather web part, which can also be pretty cool, and I'm actually going to do that. So I'm going to add our office location, Traverse City, Michigan, just like that. And there's our new web part. If I wanted to add another weather location. For example, our corp headquarters is in Los Angeles. There's the Los Angeles web part. This is so, during the winter months, the people who are working in the cold in Traverse City can say, why aren't I at headquarters again? If I'm all set, I can just save this as a draft. Remember that I chose not to add a title, and because of that, what I have is simply the two other reports in the upper right in that web part. I think that works because I think people look at that and they know intuitively what it is, particularly because the word weather actually appears in it. Now let's go back into editing again because I want to make some space. I would like to get rid of the document library here, and I'm simply going to select it and delete this web part. No documents were injured in the process of doing that. Remember that this is simply a web part that's pointing to a library, and my users have adequate access to my documents library. So if the only reason that web part is there is so users can get to documents, my site navigation takes care of that. Again, the only compelling reason for me at this point to actually display a document library is to display a filtered view that is a dynamic view, either the My Documents, things that I've modified or changed, that I'm responsible for, or to have the ability to see what documents have been added in the past, relevant time frame, whether that's the last week, the last three days, or today. So I've made my modifications. I like the way my home page looks, and I'll see you in the next movie.
