From the course: Scrollytelling: Creating a One-Page Web Experience

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HTML and CSS basics

HTML and CSS basics

- [Tutor] All right, so it's time to start creating our Scrollytelling experience. And we're going to start off with the HTML and CSS, the content, the structure, and then the style. And I'm working in Sublime text a really great text editor built for coding, and it has many advantages. One of which is this. I have a file called simple.HTML. I've already created it and I've already saved it with a .HTML extension. So it knows it's an HTML file, which allows me to do something like this. If I just type HTML and then hit tab, it creates the entire structure for an HTML file for me. Other advantage of tools like this is that it colorizes the code. And so HTML tags are one color. JavaScript functions are another color. Styles are in another color, et cetera. So long story short, it makes it really easy at a glance to see what's going on with your code, to detect errors and all kinds of other things. So I would definitely…
