From the course: SAP S/4HANA: Beyond the Basics

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Using command field shortcuts

Using command field shortcuts - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP S/4HANA: Beyond the Basics

Using command field shortcuts

- [Instructor] The command field in SAP is where we enter our transaction codes. For regular users of SAP, the command field gets a lot of attention. We're going to look at typical command field shortcuts, and then some of the more advanced ones. Let's start with the common ones. To do so, we'll enter MM zero three. We're going to display a material. We'll click select views. Choose basic data one, and continue. We can see that our cursor is currently in the material field in transaction code mm zero three. To get our cursor back in the command field, we're going to press control and the forward slash. Now, to go to a new transaction in our current session, we first have to enter slash N. Slash N is for a new transaction in our current session. We'll type slash N VA zero one. Enter. We can see that we're now in a new transaction, VA zero one. Now we want to open new sessions. Again, we'll go back to the command field…
