From the course: SAP S/4HANA: Beyond the Basics

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Changing password

Changing password

- [Instructor] Security in our systems is as important as ever, but changing your password in SAP is not intuitive. There's two places to change your password in the SAP GUI. The first is before we log on from the SAP logon pad. To change our password from this screen, we'll enter our client, our user, and our password. Instead of pressing enter like we normally would, we'll now click new password. This brings up our pop-up box where we need to enter our new password and repeat it. Once we do that, we click the checkbox button. We're not going to change our password yet, so we'll X out, and we can see the system logged us in like normal. The second way to change your password after you log in is to go to system, user profile, user data. We can also navigate to this screen anytime using transaction code SU3. To change our password here, we'll click password. Again, we'd need to enter our old password and then our new password…
