From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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What are leads in Salesforce

What are leads in Salesforce - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

What are leads in Salesforce

- [Instructor] What are leads in Salesforce? It's okay to be confused about this, pretty much everyone is at first. Here's how I want you to think about it. Leads are names of people who have signaled early interest in your products or services. They're very early prospects. You have their name, maybe an email address or a phone number, and you probably know the company, and those details are stored in lead records in Salesforce. The person and the company still need to be researched or, quote, qualified to know if this person will lead to a sale. Once the person has been qualified to become a potential buying customer, the lead record is converted to become a new contact and account with a new opportunity, and there are some nuances to conversion that I cover in the video about converting leads. Data from lead records is viewed in aggregate by marketing to determine the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.…
