From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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Use list views

Use list views

- [Instructor] List views allow you to view a list of records right on the object tab. In this video, you'll learn to navigate existing list views and I'll tell you the one thing you should do when working with list views. Okay, now when I say you have list views on object tabs, I'm referring to these tabs here on your main navigation bar. I'll navigate to my Accounts tab. Notice I'm shown this list of recently viewed records. This is a list view, just in case you weren't sure what I'm talking about. Pretty much all tabs have list views available. They're intended to be an easy, quick way to see a list of records right on the screen. List views are meant to make it easy to see data and navigate to records. Each one of these rows is a record and the data in each field is displayed here across the row. Anytime you click on an object tab, by default, you're shown your recently viewed records for the object. To choose a…
