From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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Rely on the Salesforce home tab

Rely on the Salesforce home tab - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

Rely on the Salesforce home tab

- [Presenter] The home tab in Salesforce was designed with efficiency and focus in mind. The idea is everything that needs your attention will be flagged or displayed in some way here on this page. It could be following up with a client, checking on a pending deal, viewing a report or a list of incoming requests or lead names assigned to you. I'm sharing here the standard home tab that many companies use. Yours may have additional components or maybe organized a bit differently. But for now I'll explain the standard components that you may see. At the top here is the quarterly performance component. This is used by sales users to be able to see at a glance, how close you are to tracking to your quarterly sales goal. This chart displays data from opportunity records that you own that are scheduled to close this quarter but it doesn't display all opportunities. Only those that are marked closed one or have at least a 70%…
