From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

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How to convert a lead into a customer

How to convert a lead into a customer - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

How to convert a lead into a customer

- [Instructor] Once you have determined that this lead is qualified to become a buying customer, you'll convert the lead. This is a manual process in Salesforce. The conversion takes the data from the lead record and will parse it out into three new customer records; a business account, a contact record, and an opportunity record. All your logged emails and phone calls and your notes are also included so you retain all your activity history. You can convert from the path tool or from the action button here on this menu. When you click convert, you're taken to a screen with three sections. The top section accounts is asking whether you want to create a new business account record or add this contact to an existing record. Salesforce will list a matching account if there is one. You can edit the account name, if needed, and notice these sections are expandable. The second section determines what's done for the contact…
