From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

Accessing Salesforce on your own - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Essential Training

Accessing Salesforce on your own

- [Instructor] If you're not an employee or a member of a company that is already set up with Salesforce, you can sign up for a practice version. This allows you to explore the tools and features and this might also be an option if you don't want to practice in your real version. To use this option, go to and click Sign up. Complete the fields. I recommend that you use a personal email address so that you can use this practice org regardless of your employer. Make sure you use an email address that you can access right now. Create a unique username for yourself in email address format. Agree to the terms and finish by clicking Sign me up. Within a few minutes, you'll receive an email that contains a link for you to verify your account. Create a password and a security question and then click Change Password and you'll be taken into Salesforce. To access the home tab and other tools covered in the following videos, you may need to come up to this dot grid in the upper left corner and search for the Sales app. Click it and then you'll be taken to the home tab. And if you see a bunch of popups and messages that come, go ahead and close out of those for now. Another option to consider. If you are already a member of Trailhead, you can launch a hands-on org to use as a practice org during this course. There are many features and tools embedded in Salesforce, all designed to help you stay focused and productive throughout your day. Using a practice account might also be helpful as you follow along with me throughout the course. Either way, make sure you're signed in for the rest of the course because coming up, I'll have you get your hands on the keyboard to try it for yourself.
