From the course: Sales Performance Measurement and Reporting

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Using your performance appraisal process to grow skills

Using your performance appraisal process to grow skills

From the course: Sales Performance Measurement and Reporting

Using your performance appraisal process to grow skills

- A mention of performance appraisals probably brings a groan to most people since it often reminds many of us of the bureaucratic task of writing details about our work or the work of people who report to us. However, in a course about sales performance measurement and reporting, it's important that it is discussed since the appraisal remains one of the key evaluation pieces in most companies. There's been much debate and analysis about the use and value of performance appraisals. There are even some companies who've eliminated them completely. This is one of those situations where you need to work within the requirements of your company while at the same time look for ways to improve the process. Candidly, I dread the job of writing on all of those corporate forms noting each person's strengths and weaknesses. However, I really enjoy the one-on-one time working with a colleague to pinpoint opportunities for growth and to…
